Spring Cleaning Sale | Various Crabs gear now available!

Spring Cleaning Sale | Various Crabs gear now available!

The Humboldt Crabs baseball volunteers did some Spring cleaning and inventorying and found some odd sizes of older Crabs gear such as long sleeve options, polos, ladies v-necks, and shorts. Click SHOP to see what’s available or just visit the SHOP page on this...
NEW! SHOP Page from BSN Sports

NEW! SHOP Page from BSN Sports

Crabs Fans – We are trying out a new online store! This is store #1. Please click on SHOP to take you to BSN Sports online store. Order by March 28 in order to receive your gear in 4 weeks time. These styles will not be offered at the ballpark this summer, so...
Crabs Fan Survey 2022-2023

Crabs Fan Survey 2022-2023

Take our Crabs Baseball Fan Survey and we’ll draw one lucky winner’s name to win a 2023 season pass. Click Here to take the survey
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Good Friends. Good Times. Great Baseball. Since 1945.

Humboldt Crabs Baseball, Inc. | P.O. Box 4422 | Arcata, CA 95518 | (707) 840-5665 | Contact Us