Where’s Bobby?

Where's Bobby Scavenger Hunt Header ImageThis is Bobby the Bobblehead. Bobby's getting so excited for the upcoming season, he can barely contain himself. He's running all over Humboldt County during the month of May, hiding some little goodies for a few lucky Crabs fans to find.

Weekly Hints

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

There will be one new item announced each of the next four weeks. Bobby is sending us some cryptic clues and a few photos of himself as he runs around to help lead you to the prizes. Stay tuned here and on our Twitter and Facebook pages to make sure you don't miss a clue!

If you are the lucky finder of one of these golden, ok well tan-ish, tickets, be sure to let us know. Using one of the methods below, contact us and tell us where you found the ticket, what the prize is, and the passcode listed on the ticket. We will verify the information and let you know how to redeem your prize!

  • Email: info@humboldtcrabs.com
  • Facebook: Send us a Facebook message (not a post)
  • Phone: Leave a voicemail at our hotline, (707) 826-2333

Also, if you're so inclined, please snap a "selfie" of yourself with the ticket so we can share it with our fans.

Happy hunting!

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Good Friends. Good Times. Great Baseball. Since 1945.

Humboldt Crabs Baseball, Inc. | P.O. Box 4422 | Arcata, CA 95518 | (707) 840-5665 | Contact Us