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For the best array of new items, please visit the Crabs souvenir stand at the Arcata Ballpark in the months of June to early August. You can also visit the Crabs Facebook page's photo albums to see some of the gear we carry at the ballpark. Unfortunately, we do not carry every item online. You can call the Crabs Google Voice Mail number (707) 840-5665 and leave a detailed message to request items to be shipped to you, but not all requests can be fullfilled as all the Crabs volunteers are busy running the summer schedule.
All Humboldt Crabs Baseball clothing is ©copyrighted and trademarked™. Humboldt Crabs Services and all other products offered via Humboldt Crabs Baseball Inc., are the sole the property of Humboldt Crabs Baseball, a non-profit and community organization. Humboldt Crabs Services and all other products offered are for non-commercial use, and you may not distribute, modify, translate, rebroadcast, transmit, perform or create derivative works from them. Anyone found distributing and selling Humboldt Crabs products without prior consent will be subject to legal action. For more information, please contact us at