Crabs Q & A
#10 Brad Morgan, Alumni/Coach
By Kylee Chandler/Special Events Coordinator

Q: How did you initially get involved with the Crabs?

A: During junior college I had two pretty good years and I got recruited on locally to play and it was a blast. I played in 2007, 2009 and 2010 and after that season I got to talking with the coaches to see if it was a possibility that I could join on as a coach and get my foot in the door because I want to take the path of becoming a coach.

Q: How has the transition from player to coach been?

A: The transition is a lot harder than a lot of people think. As a coach you get to sit back and watch and take in everything and as a player you might be focused on a thing or two but as a coach you have to focus on everybody.

Q: What role do you play as a coach, are you in charge of any particular aspect?

A: I am a utility coach. I work a little with the hitters and a little with the catchers. I just talk and get to know the players and tell them what I see and tell them things they could work on to improve.

Q: When your not here coaching what can we find you doing?

A: I’m actually in graduate school in New Mexico but usually when I’m not coaching here I’m either working out or doing work.

Q: What is your favorite part of Humboldt Crabs Baseball?

A: The fans! Every time you step in the ballpark here it’s a blast. I don’t see how you could come here and not have fun.

Q: How long do you plan on being a part of the Crabs organization?

A: As long as they let me!


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