Things hadn't been going well lately for the Humboldt Crabs. They'd lost to their local rivals the Steelheads on Friday. They'd dropped both games in a doubleheader on Saturday. Sunday's opponent backed out, leaving the team and its fans hanging. The team needed a pick-me-up.

How about a no-hitter before a packed house on a beautiful sunny Fourth of July to get things back on track?

That's exactly what college teammates Kyle Crawford and Peter Miller combined to give the Crabs on Monday as they beat the Santa Rosa Gnats 8-1 to snap a three-game skid and send the crowd of 1,446 home happy on this holiday.

Check out photos from Monday's game on our Facebook page!

"It's kind of funny, it was kind of a UOP win day," said Crawford. "(Miller's) my teammate at University of Pacific, and we're kind of the same pitching. We both throw a lot of off-speed, throw strikes. It was kind of a fun thing."

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